
General chat about Neverending Nightmares open to everyone
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Post by mario »

In his "Let's Play" video PewDiePie criticized the Chiller font used on the demo. I personally find the font choice not bad. What do you think about it? :-) .
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Re: Font

Post by RightClickSaveAs »

I didn't even know "Chiller" was a specific font. Either way though I thought it fit pretty well with the game.

Is there going to be much actual font type in the game? That message the youtube video mentions seems like just a temporary thing to let everyone know it's an alpha demo. If there is font, hopefully it will look like the menus do currently, that fits really well and doesn't seem like any specific font, at least that I know of.

edit: wait maybe that is all the same font, just bigger since it's the menu. Either way I think it looks good. A suggestion for an alternative would be to use the same style as the Neverending Nightmares logo, that's really distinctive looking.
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Re: Font

Post by matt »

If you notice in the latest alpha build, we've gotten rid of almost all usages of the chiller font in favor of our own font we designed just for the game.

Chiller was just temp, and so basically anything rendered in game has the new font. A few places have baked in text with chiller like the help screen, but we will remove them eventually.

We are using an SDF font rendering system, which actually wasn't the best fit for our font, so I'm not entirely happy with it, but it was a huge amount of work to do it, so I don't think it's going to change very much. hahah
-Matt Gilgenbach
Lead Frightener at Infinitap Games
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