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My Mother and Sister Bathing in a Pool of Blood

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:00 pm
by Harry Sunderland
Hi guys,

I had a crazy nightmare that I'd like to share.

In this nightmare, there was a J-Horror film about a little girl who reads a book. After reading it, she starts to see ghosts who torment her, and she has to bathe in an ankle deep pool of blood to keep herself safe from the spirits.

In this dream, my Mother and Sister thought this film was real, and they started bathing in a pool of blood, and were trying to convince me to join them. I am the sole atheist in my family, and I told them ghosts aren't real and I refused. In this dream, I desperately wanted to tell them they were being idiots, but I didn't because I wanted to respect their beliefs.

Then my Mother kept trying to convince me to read the book from the movie (yes it somehow became a real book!) She told me that spirits were real and were going to harm me no matter what, so I might as well read this forbidden book so I can see them coming. I told her this was garbage and refused. I told her if the ghosts were real, I might as well just bathe in the pool of blood and not read the book.

After much arguing, with my mother, I suddenly blacked out. I awoke in my university's library, completely naked in between two book shelves. As I looked at the shelf, every single book on the shelf was the forbidden book from the J-Horror film. The dream ended with me trying to justify to my mother how this was totally normal and not indicative of ghosts being real, but not fully believing this myself.

Crazy stuff.

Re: My Mother and Sister Bathing in a Pool of Blood

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 7:44 pm
by matt
Wow, that is really intense! What a crazy nightmare. I am almost envious though. It seems like an interesting nightmare to have! I love J-Horror and would love to experience it via nightmares. :)

Re: My Mother and Sister Bathing in a Pool of Blood

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 1:42 am
by ranger_lennier
That is definitely creepy. And it even has a cohesive plot, which is often a weakness of nightmares as literature. They may have scary moments, but not generally a real scary story. :D If you ever dream about that again, I want to know how it ends.

Re: My Mother and Sister Bathing in a Pool of Blood

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:29 am
by miumiaou
wow I'd love to know the end

Re: My Mother and Sister Bathing in a Pool of Blood

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:24 pm
by pingu
Wow that's an incredible nightmare!
ranger_lennier wrote:That is definitely creepy. And it even has a cohesive plot, which is often a weakness of nightmares as literature. They may have scary moments, but not generally a real scary story. :D If you ever dream about that again, I want to know how it ends.
I agree 100%. As I described in my nightmare thread, my nightmares are generally frightening not because of the actual content, but because of the emotions that I feel during the nightmare and after I wake up. I rarely have nightmares that have a cohesive plot.

Re: My Mother and Sister Bathing in a Pool of Blood

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:20 pm
by matt
Sometimes I think it is upsetting when you wake up and realize that a dream with disturbing content DIDN'T bother you when you are dreaming.

Something I've struggled with because of my OCD is I am often upset by the fact that my mind comes up with disturbing content. Are you responsible for our unconscious mind? I don't know. I suppose not, but sometimes it is hard to accept.

Re: My Mother and Sister Bathing in a Pool of Blood

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 4:49 am
by ranger_lennier
matt wrote:Sometimes I think it is upsetting when you wake up and realize that a dream with disturbing content DIDN'T bother you when you are dreaming.

Something I've struggled with because of my OCD is I am often upset by the fact that my mind comes up with disturbing content. Are you responsible for our unconscious mind? I don't know. I suppose not, but sometimes it is hard to accept.
I think thoughts like that are easier to make sense of when you realize that the feeling people have of being a whole, unified being is, in a sense, illusory. By that I mean that our brains have dozens of specialized areas constantly working, and we're only consciously aware of a small portion of it. But after the fact, we (generally) manage to put together a cohesive story. Anyone looking for more details on this theory can read The Ego Tunnel by Thomas Metzinger.

For all I know, my brain might come up with even worse stuff than yours, but doesn't bother telling my conscious mind about it. From a moral standpoint, I think how we treat people will always be more significant than the random thoughts that cross our minds.

Re: My Mother and Sister Bathing in a Pool of Blood

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 8:20 pm
by matt
That is very interesting. While I don't think my thoughts are necessarily immoral, that doesn't mean I don't feel bad for being "sick" or "disturbed".